Hi evreone!

This my FIRST time taking part in a game jam and its super exciting! I have a really good idea already so its almost practivally done. Its like a PLATFORMER but with PUZZLES. I think its quite unique and there's going to be AT LEAST 3 BIOMES, a BOSS fight and an EPICLY PROFOUND NARRATIVE. I think it should definetly be doable in couple of days. And there will be ABSOLUTELY NO BUGS. Except for the characters. You are a LadyBug. 

Have a nice jam everyone! Let's build awesome games TOGEHTER!

--- leppis


  • leppis (that's me!)

I did mostly everything myself, but I also want to thank my frinds who helped me:

  • Nina Tepponen: Programming
  • Melanie Wigger: Art
  • Miro Aurela: Level Design, Programming


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I fall together with the ladder when tried to climb :) But I like the relaxing feeling of the game overall


Genuinely a fun speedrun. I'm still trying to figure out why you can double-jump about 5% of the time.


This is very charming. The bugs (pun intended) make the game quite fun to play around. Go you!